Curriculum Vitae

  • 1992 Staatsexamen und Approbation
  • 1992 – 1995 Assistenzzeit
  • 1995 Niederlassung mit eigener Praxis in Köln – Vogelsang
  • 1999 Promotion zum dent
  • 2000 Curriculum Kieferorthopädie (zertifiziert nach Prof. Sander)
  • 2007 Curriculum Hypnose (Zertifizierter Hypnosezahnarzt)
  • 2008 – 2018 Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an zahlreichen Fortbildungen im In-, und Ausland u.a. in minimal-invasiver Implantologie und aller anderen zahnärztlichen Themen.
Zahnarzt Köln: Dr. Alaa Narouz

Über mich

Die Praxis existiert bereits seit 25 Jahren in Köln-Vogelsang. Unsere Patienten kommen aus den verschiedensten Stadtteilen Kölns, teilweise aus anderen Bundesländern, um sich hier Implantate mithilfe des minimal-invasiven Verfahrens setzen zu lassen.

Als ich im Jahre 2008 mit der Champions-Implantationsmethode zu arbeiten begann, war ich der erste und einzige Zahnarzt in Köln, der dieses Verfahren erfolgreich anwendete.

Das Feedback unserer Patienten war umwerfend, teilweise ungläubig. Somit hat das innovative Implantats-Verfahren nicht nur unser Leistungsspektrum erweitert, sondern die ohnehin hohe Zufriedenheit mit der Praxis weiter gesteigert.

Für uns war und ist der Patient das Zentrum unseres zahnärztlichen Handels. Wir möchten unseren Patienten stets helfen, seine Lebensqualität auch unter zahnärztlichen Gesichtspunkten zu erhalten, besser noch zu steigern.

Auch unser Praxisteam ist seit vielen Jahren zusammen und fühlt sich wohl, miteinander zu arbeiten. Ich sage meinem Team immer wieder: „Wir haben keine Patienten, wir haben Fans.“ Ich freue mich, wenn ich auch Sie demnächst als Patient*in unserer Praxis begrüßen darf!


Dr. Narouz ist zum Senator der Deutschen Mundgesundheitsstiftung (DMS) ernannt worden

In dieser Funktion ist es ihm ein besonders Anliegen die präventive Zahnheilkunde in Deutschland mit weiter zu entwickeln. Dazu gehört die Implementierung der Anwendung von Mikronährstoffen in der Zahnheilkunde, wie die Einnahme von Vitamin D3, K2 und Magnesium zur Verbesserung des Knochenstoffechsels und der Etablierung von prädiktiven Speicheltests zum Status quo eines möglichen Knochenabbaus. Durch diese Maßnahmen soll es möglich sein, eine nachhaltige, biologische Verbindung zwischen Kieferknochen und den Zähnen zu schaffen. Das sind die Voraussetzungen für ein langfristige Zahngesundheit.

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in Köln auf jameda
in Köln auf jameda
Zahnärzte für Angstpatienten
in Köln auf jameda
in Köln auf jameda

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Basierend auf 117 Bewertungen
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20:47 04 Nov 22
The team at this practice is super friendly and very professional in their work. I always have short waiting times and am always satisfied with the treatment.The practice of dr. I would like to recommend Narouz in any case.Have a look! 🙂
D. Heitfogel
15:22 04 Nov 22
Great practice team - both professionally and personally. I have felt that I am in good hands for over 25 years and can only give my 100% recommendation.
Kim Mölken
10:14 25 Oct 22
I go to Dr. Narouz for about 15 years. He is very nice and works very neatly and carefully. The practice team is also very nice and helpful. You listen with an open ear and you are not "put off" because you want to work through your customers quickly. I highly recommend the practice! There is a very personal atmosphere there, which I think is great! Keep it up 🙂
Blitz Anubis
15:27 01 Sep 22
Super class dentist. Can only be recommended to everyone. go there It's like a home there. Nice doctor great staff. Like a little family.
Erich Blume
14:31 26 Aug 22
Nice doctor competent and friendly with experienced teamI have had his treatment several times.Dr Narouz works effectively and patient-oriented.From the anesthetic injection to the tooth extraction, a specialist.
Giuliano Leone
11:47 22 Aug 22
I've been coming for many years now and I'm more than satisfied. dr Narouz is a genuinely warm person who makes you feel like you are in good hands.
jennifer boe
20:43 04 Aug 22
The whole team is incredibly friendly, waiting times are always short, treatment is very good and you can always get help, even at short notice. In addition, Dr. Narouz is wonderful with my 1.5 year old son and the helpers are also super nice to him.I can really recommend the practice!
Daniel Guthmann
09:19 18 May 22
dr Narouz is a great dentist! Almost two years ago I had two implants placed by him using the MIMI method and it worked very well. It is amazing and fascinating how few side effects this method has and how little you have to "suffer"! Before the implantations, Dr. Narouz recommended that I have my vitamin D levels checked. Although I'm not photophobic, it turned out that I was suffering from a significant vitamin D deficiency (most likely for a long time). The great importance of vitamin D for bones and teeth, but also for the skin and immune system, was not at all clear to me before. Due to the regular, controlled intake of vitamin D + K for two years, various long-standing problems (especially skin) have improved significantly or have disappeared. So I'm Dr. Doubly grateful to Narouz and I am very happy to continue to be a patient with him and his very nice team.
18:47 07 Mar 22
Today I was again in the practice of Dr. Narouz with a fancy inlay that he reinserted in no time. Called in the morning and already made an appointment at noon is not so easy with all practices. Since it is not my first short-term case, I know that I can rely on the practice. The team is always fully motivated and friendly, which is unfortunately not always the case. Actually, I wanted to make an appointment for a teeth cleaning, but that wasn't necessary because the matter was also taken care of at the same time. Great all-round service from the doctor and a great team.
Martin Fett
11:21 18 Feb 22
As a family we have been going to Dr. Narouz and are always very satisfied. A dentist who advises his patients comprehensively and also explains the background. Friendly, patient, reliable. As does the entire team. Thanks very much!
food tester
19:09 06 Jan 22
I came to this practice 10 years ago as a scared patient. I am always amazed how great Dr. Narouz and his team responds to me. It's interesting how he picks up his patient throughout the appointment and responds to them during treatment. I want more doctors like him.
John Doe
06:31 19 Nov 21
In an emergency, I was helped very quickly, competently and in a friendly manner. Thanks very much ! Rainer Schrade
he gao
15:24 29 Oct 19
I got very good care with this team. And my tooth got very good situation now. Hope you will enjoy their professional care with your tooth.He
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